An Insider’s Guide To The Latest Memorial Technology
Until relatively recently, funerals were pretty traditional and followed a fairly classic pattern. However, in every walk of life, technology has become increasingly prevalent and the funeral industry has not been exempt.
In fact, recent research has shown that a third of funerals now have an included technological aspect, and not only that, but most people who have responded to recent polls believe that technology is going to play an even more significant role in future funerals.
Which Technologies Are Funerals Embracing?
When it comes to harnessing the latest technology at funerals, there have been several areas in which advancements have been made. However, the top 5 technologies in use today include:
- Video calling
- Memorial videos
- A digitised order of service
- Music streaming
- Photo booth
Live streamed funerals are also on the rise, with access to the service only being available to invited guests via a password and secure channel. The benefit of this is to enable loved ones who live elsewhere or who are physically unable to attend the funeral to share in the experience and to say farewell to their loved one in real time.
Advances aren’t only restricted to the funeral itself. In fact the entire industry is embracing technology with family and funeral directors increasingly using social media, email and the internet to communicate with mourners. Companies which provide pre-paid funeral plans or insurance are also turning to the world wide web to sell their products and services and to facilitate making arrangements. There is even a host of funeral planning tools online to make the challenging task easier.
A Positive Effect
When those responding to the survey were asked whether the technology had had a positive or negative effect on the funeral experience, most believed that the effect was overwhelmingly positive, bringing family and friends closer together for a more involved service. Despite this, however, almost 60% of people still think that technology is too disruptive and has no place in a respectful funeral service. It seems that there’s still some way to go before funerals are fully technological affairs. Despite this, most people believe that increasing use of technology in funerals is inevitable, although the direction that this technology will take is, as yet unknown – intriguingly, a fifth of survey respondents thought that holograms would feature in future funerals!
Innovations Across The Funeral Industry
It’s only natural that digital developments in everyday life are spreading out into funeral technology. After all, death is still a part of life. While some people are experiencing a level of discomfort with this change, it can’t be denied that advancements are adding new elements to funerals and are making it easier for loved ones to share the experience with their friends and family members.
Funerals are difficult for everyone, but with advancements, both now and in the future, it is set to become easier for those who live a long way from their loved ones to still feel part of their loved one’s final farewell.